Tuesday 13 September 2011

Two of the Zines I Read This Summer

Narcolepsy Press Review #7
By Randy Robbins, PO Box 17131 / Anaheim, CA / 92817-7131 USA / narcolepsypresszine@hotmail.com
Randy opens his zine with some quotes, his Top 5 TV Shows and his Top 5 “most remarkable and beautiful celebrity girls”: that girl who played Ramona, Kaley Cuoco and Kate Middleton, to name three out of five. There are some cute illustrations by his daughter, which have an anime feel to them and he writes about some books he recently read…and then the extensive letters section begins. I can’t imagine having to type up that many letters from their handwritten originals so they will print nicely in a zine! Most of the letters are sent from prison or non-incarcerated zinesters. This issue's zine reviews include many reviews for fellow zine review zines – I had no idea there were so many! And here I am, a zine review zine reviewing another zine review zine. In one of the letters Randy’s correspondent mentions “the possibility of there one day being nothing but zine review zines reviewing other zine review zines”.

Beautiful Mess #2 and #3
By Sarala, sleepswthghosts@yahoo.ca / sleepswthghosts.etsy.com
I read a review for Sarala’s zine in Broken Pencil and contacted her about trading, which she agreed to. Her zines are beautifully done cut n’ paste perzines. In the introduction of 2009’s issue #2 she agonizes about why she even makes zines, but I think for a lot of us zines are sometimes creative therapy. I think it feels good and helps me understand things more when I write things out. A lot of the writing in these zines reminds me of my own journal writing when I’m trying to clear my head. Issue #3 is the Polaroid Issue and is printed completely in colour. The vibrant colours really showcase Sarala’s talent for the art of cut n’ paste zines.

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